Primer Magazine: The Fascinating History of Whiskey in North America

You’ve found yourself in front of a wall of hooch and you’ve got no idea which way is up or down. You’re wondering what the difference between the $200 bottle and the $40 bottle is and can’t make heads or tails of any of the words written on any of them. We’ve all been there, but for me knowing every word on those bottles? That became a challenge, as did how they were made, and the histories behind each one.

In my past 15+ years of bartending, I’ve accrued awards, certifications, and diplomas in alcohol from all over the world. I’ve done all the legwork and I’m here to help you navigate the wonderful world of booze and make you more comfortable in front of that ever-expanding and confusing wall of juice.

For our first discussion we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of North American whiskies and what makes them unique, fun, and delicious. We’re going to focus on three main types of whisk(e)y: Bourbon, American Rye, and Canadian. But, let it be known that these aren’t the ONLY types of whiskies made in North America, and maybe we’ll eventually talk about the rest, but for today we’re focusing on the big three.

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Alex Black